Fakta: 560 000 m2 korrugerad plåt är borta
Obamas yttrande till sina medborgare, som oroas över att utredningarna runt 9/11 inte blivit riktigt gjorda, är det drygaste jag någonsin hört en statschef för en demokrati fälla: "These are not opinions to be debated, these are facts to be dealt with."
No one owns me on the dance floor
"Don’t get me wrong here, I don’t hate men, I love men. I make love to men. And I’m certainly not scared of men. It’s just the acceptance of the things that we would never accept outside of the night club that really scares me."
en tjugofemårig singels klagan.
I chose not to choose Lets Dance, I choose something else.
What happened to Sweden?
Sourze keeps an eye on Sweden "One thing which has not changed since my arrival here is the Swedish quality of life, which when I came here was, and still today is, much higher than that of the UK and Ireland."
Plastic not so fantastic
Brösten är accessoarer som ger dig dina 15 minuter i rampljuset. Men hur mycket kostar det dig egentligen?
Houston, Texas torsdag em lokal tid, 22 sept
"I would not be surprised if some of the underwriters will go bust and wont be able to cover what they promise."