A wish upon a star

Drömmar är något alla har och även om det inte alltid går som man tänkt kommer hoppet och drömmarna åter.

There are thing
I never told
like lasting love
and getting old.

Wishes, dreams
and hope too
I did it all
because of you.

Of this wishes
you shall not tell
because if you do
you break the spell

The wish was sealed
I was its host
even though
the dream was lost

The seal was cracked
the spell is gone
but I guess
life goes on.

Time passed by
like my age and lore
I told myself
wish never more.

Seasons passed
spring and fall
now I find my self
wishing upon a star.

Om författaren

Erik Hildingsson

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Publicerad: 19 nov 2012 12:45


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