Im a twenty something year old English national, who has been privileged enough to have lived, experienced and embraced the beliefs, cultures and ideologies of many countries and their lifestyles. From the U.S to Nigeria, the Netherlands to Rep. of Benin, each country is defined by its inhabitants values. In the U.S, its the search and need to be the biggest and the best at everything, Benin and Nigeria, it was a respect and appreciation for what you have while striving to survive. But, I have to say, observing as well as trying to comprehend the actions of Swedes predominantly Stockholm inhabitants is nothing I would suggest to any first time visitor to this extraordinary country.
Artistic legend, Andy Warhol was once quoted as saying "in the future everybody will be famous for 15 minutes." An expression I believe has been taken too literally by a large percentage of the local populace. Imagine the pleasant surprise I received, while channel surfing to discover that virtually all-terrestrial channels were graced with some sort of docusoap. SVT Robinson, Tv3 Harem, Baren,Valvet, TV4 Farmen Kanal 5 Mullvaden, Villa Medusa, Popstars, Temptation Island, Big Brother.
I have no qualms whatsoever about docusoaps or the people who choose to take part in them, but my main hang up with them is their incessant need to portray daily life as a non-stop merry-go-round of sex, booze and fashion obsessed freaks.
There will be a number of people, who will read this and think Im talking complete and utter bollocks, but I ask you to take these few pointers into consideration. I have lived here for three years and as one who has worked on and around the media industry, I have a rough idea as to what the networks and production companies take into consideration when deciding to create and run a new docusoap.
Most of you already do. Its called "economies of scale." This occurs when a demand for a product can only be matched by its demand. The products in this case are the docusoaps, while the production companies supply the shows. The other pointer being, if you look around the city centre, you see a city dripping with good looking, well groomed persons. Most of who are in the public eye. They are portrayed as the benchmark by which we all strive to become. But as we are all aware this is not always the case.
A look at Barens first three seasons has seen the emergence of one of Swedens most loathed C-class celebrities. Thats right, C-class because they arent recognised for their academic or artistic talents. The chances are they are only recognised cause they bonked on primetime tv.
Its the outspoken Meral Ive forgotten what her last name is. I have nothing but good things to say about her strong will and conviction to stand behind her beliefs... problem is her entire being and belief system is based upon her wanting to be loved by the public, to be a kändis. I mean, are you kidding me? If she tried to do something positive with her life other than trying to release cheesy tunes, maybe and this is a big maybe, can we open our eyes and see Meral for the warm and enchanting person, she probably is.
Meral is only one in a long line of C-class celebrities who will continue to sprout up from the woodwork because they know that we as TV viewers need them to keep Swedens fragile entertainment heart pumping, and that to me is such a low down dirty shame.
Av ![]() |
Victor Bassey
Publicerad: 28 okt 2001 09:00
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