"Jag behöver mina systrar"
"I love my husband, but there’s nothing like having a conversation with a woman that understands you. I grow so much from those conversations. I need my sisters." -Beyoncé
When Heavens Gate Are Open...
An attempt to describe our inner freedom and the light that shine forever...
What happened to Sweden?
Sourze keeps an eye on Sweden "One thing which has not changed since my arrival here is the Swedish quality of life, which when I came here was, and still today is, much higher than that of the UK and Ireland."
Idag är en sådan dag.
Ironic isnt it, that in my dream world Im better of without you.
Har USA rätt att finnas?
Ronald Reagan: "A country that doesnt control its borders isnt really a country anymore."
Now that we
All my apologies are used up by now, but I just need to say...