What is love?

Vad är kärlek för dig?


What happened to Sweden?

Sourze keeps an eye on Sweden "One thing which has not changed since my arrival here is the Swedish quality of life, which when I came here was, and still today is, much higher than that of the UK and Ireland."


This is not a suicide letter

Dont you wonder what you would say?


Keynes kommer tillbaka?

"What could stave off a recession - Government spending on education and health - two growth areas - might be enough to buoy the economy."Rubrik i BusinessWeek den 28 jan.2008.


Olinda - en dum blondin som förtalar Sverige

Dokusåpornas små fjantbrudar slutar aldrig att överraska! Nu har Olinda Borggren tagit farväl av sitt fosterland Sverige och planerar att flytta till USA. So what?


Öppet brev till Billy Butt

"Carolina Gynnig is guilty. What she writes in her book is not true! Should I stay without doing anything?"


Tecknet på att du faktiskt finns.

What doesnt kill you, makes you stronger? Är det ett löfte?
