I våras skrev jag om ett besök jag gjorde i Minsk, Vitryssland. Ett land som ofta kallas för Europas sista diktatur. Landet styrs med järnhand av den gamle sovjetkommunisten president Lukashenka. I söndags var det presidentval där han återigen markerade sin politiska dominans. Han vann enligt valresultatet med nästan 80 procent av rösterna.
Många skyller på hans totala kontroll av medierna och den grova repressionen av oppositionella. Många oberoende journalister och andra oliktänkande har försvunnit den senaste tiden.
Det här är min mailkonversation med två av de jag besökte. Maksim är DJ och webdesigner. Pavel är doktorand i sociologi, för tillfället i Oxford. Båda bor i Minsk, Vitrysslands huvudstad.
- Well, it was obvious. The situation was that the guy either wins the election or goes to the prison. He did his best. If I saw him, I would sincerely congratulate him.
- The political situation and the atmosphere between people are very difficult. Now we are afraid of all things. You know that in official governmental media Lukashenka has told he won 76 percent of people votes. Its impossible! Unreal!!!
- All the sociological structures forecasted his votes was based around 30-40 percent. So, he garbled the true facts by the help of his guards department, by the help of power and heavy pressure. He played a very mean trick on belorussian people and independent observers from european countries. And the bad is that he know that he lost his support from most of people. So, he is very hard thinking of the forced consolidation of his authority. There are going to be repressions and destructions of differently thinking people.
- It is hilarious to see that the rest of the world including Sweden can do nothing about it. I would therefore question the presence of the small grey cells in the minds of the Western politicians who have some geopolitical interest vested in Belarus.
- I would say that shit happens but who cares. I would not say that for the general public it would be substantially better if the opposite candidate won. From a humanist point of view, I do not really see the difference between killing political opponents and the death of common people because of poverty.
- The real question about the election is weather the opposite result could do lives of the common people better. I do not believe in it and thus I do not care about the politics...Skol!
Förhoppningsvis kan vi fortsätta få korta rapporter om utveckling av den politiska situationen i Vitryssland.
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