Janne Sundling skriver på tidningen Resumé att bloggen är död, och ger exempel på ett antal journalistiska kollegor som slutat blogga för att professionella skribenter inte vill eller behöver skriva på fritiden.
Inget kunde vara mer fel än att säga att bloggen är död.
Här är senaste statistiken från Technorati och Massachusetts biblioteksförening ang bloggar och bloggandet. Tidigare publicerat på min blogg, såklart.
Länk: dailykos.com
"Weblogs make having a simple website much easier, and as a result, the number of people who write for the Web has exploded. This is a striking confirmation of the importance of ease of use."
You bet. Latest statistics from Technorati and Massachusetts Library Association God,I just love those library peopleabout blog users says following;
*As of October 2005, Technorati is now tracking 19.6 million weblogs
*The total number of weblogs tracked continues to double about every 5 months
*The blogosphere is now over 30 times as big as it was 3 years ago, with no signs of letup in growth
*About 70,000 new weblogs are created every day
*About a new weblog is created each second
*Between 700,000 and 1.3 million posts are made each day
*About 33,000 posts are created per hour, or 9.2 posts per second
*An additional 5.8 of posts or about 50,000 posts/day seen each day are from spam or fake blogs, on average
*34 primarily blog to be seen as an authority in their field.
*Over 50 blog about companies at least once per week.
*63 believe blogs are the most trustworthy source of product information.
*Over 98 take steps to correct factually incorrect portions of a blog post.
*Over 80 prefer to receive information from non-executives.
The blogs got in everage 250 readers
92.4 of the blogs are created by people under 30
51.5 of the blogs are created by teenagers
56 of the blogs are created by women
66 of the blogs are not updated within two months
1.09 mil are onedayswonders
1.63 mil blogs were on hold for 126 days
5.7 more men than women abandon their blogs
*84 of the internet users use search engines to find your blog in USA.
*78 of the internet users do investigations about a product or service on internet before they buy.
*49 of the internet users get their political information
*23 of the internet users read a blog.
*Blog readers increased with 58 under 2004.
*20.5 milj Americans have visited an adult site. 31 mil read a blog.
*Blogs of individual employees are considered more trustworthy than blogs endorsed by a corporation
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Markus Fors
Publicerad: 02 nov 2005 22:45
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